We are open for new clients. Read our Corona-Virus FAQ for more details.

Welcome to our COVID-19 FAQ.


Firstly, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our clients, relatives, staff, the local councils and CCG’s, the numerous supporters who provided scrubs, masks, Ipads, Visors and more. The many messages of thanks we have received have meant so much to our staff who are working tirelessly to keep your loved one safe through this very challenging period.

Are you admitting new clients?

Yes, we are now welcoming new clients into our homes again. We offer a much-needed service and we need to be there for those that need our care and support. New clients can use our designated, safe admission rooms and will benefit from a personalised well being plan during their initial 14 days.

How will you manage new admissions?

The safety of our current clients, staff and new admission is paramount. We have developed a very clear admission policy and have infection control protocols that must be met.

Can I view the Home?

We can arrange a virtual show round of a home in the first instance. However, we appreciate that if you are looking to move in, you will want to see the home in person, and we are open to viewings in person, but please note that there is a strict protocol that all visitors must follow and prior appointments must be made.

Will I be able to visit my loved one?

Closing our Homes to visitors was one of the hardest things we had to do. We appreciate that much time has passed, and we believe the mental well-being of our clients is equally important to their physical health and this must be taken into consideration. Currently Public Health England’s advice, except in some exceptional circumstances, is that we should not allow visitors inside our Homes.

We are now facilitating “Garden” or “Window” visits where social distancing can be maintained. Information on visiting residents who are unable to social distance will be shared in due course.

As failure to social distance could put clients and visitors at risk of infection, visits need to be carefully controlled. Please note all visits must be booked in advance by appointment and we can only facilitate a certain number of visits per day for a limited duration to allow us time to effectively clean the area in-between visits. We are also restricting Visiting to one named person per resident at present. Please contact the Home’s Manager for further information.

What if my loved one is unable to take part in a “Garden or “Window” visit?

Where any client is unable to participate in receiving socially distanced visits, Virtual visits will be facilitated by the staff. Inside visits will be facilitated at the Home manager’s discretion depending on individual risk assessment and where there is no safer alternative. These visits will be strictly controlled and full PPE will be provided to the visitor. Please rest assured that we will allow visits at end of life to all clients.

How can I communicate with my loved one?

We know how important communication between clients, friends and family is, and all of our homes are set up for video calling to enable you to keep in touch. We are trialling the use of Alexa devices at Beggars Roost. Our Managers are making at least weekly contact with relatives to provide updates. We will contact relatives if there is any change in the wellbeing of a client on a more frequent basis.

How has life changed for your clients in light of COVID-19?

With the very large exception of visitors, we hope that our clients have not seen too much change in their days. We continue to provide the same care, albeit with PPE, our lounges are all in use and we continue to provide sociable, interactive activities, whilst practising social distancing.

How will you continue to keep clients safe from COVID-19?

We continue to follow infection control measures at all homes which are in line with Government and Public Health England guidance.

Our Staffing and PPE levels remain to be sufficient and we will test clients every 28 days and staff every 7 days to ensure their safety.

Any team member who is displaying any symptoms of a Covid-19 infection, or who has a positive test, is required to self-isolate at home and only return to work when they are free from any symptoms.

Our housekeeping teams are working tirelessly to keep our homes spotlessly clean, reducing the risk of any viral contamination on hard surfaces and staff members are no longer travelling to work in their uniforms but are changing in the home prior to commencing duty and then changing back into their outdoor clothes before they leave the building.

All staff have been trained in Covid-19 and infection control. This is reinforced by regular supervision and reminder sessions.